Virtual Private Network (VPN for starters)

There are practically a lot you as an internet user needs to know about Virtual Private Network on the web but without the need to bore you with so much all at once, I have decided to split the topics and take them one after the other and also explain in the simplest term anyone would understand.

What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network is a connection method used to add security and privacy to private and public networks, like WiFi Hotspots and the Internet.

It is a technology that allows you to create a secure connection over a less-secure network between your computer and the internet.

Reasons for Virtual Private Network

Security is the main reason why corporations have used VPNs for years. There are increasingly simple methods to intercept data travelling to a network.
WiFi spoofing and Firesheep are two easy ways to hack information. A useful analogy is that a firewall protects your data while on the computer and a VPN protects your data on the web.
Most savvy computer users wouldn't dream of connecting to the Internet without a firewall and up-to-date antivirus. Evolving security threats and an ever-increasing dependence on the internet make a Virtual Private Network an essential part of well-rounded security. 
Integrity checks ensure that no data is lost and that the connection has not been hijacked. Since all traffic is protected, VPNs are preferred over proxies.

How a VPN Works 

VPN protects your privacy by allowing you to anonymously appear to be anywhere you choose which simply means that the user's initial IP(Internet Protocol) address is replaced with one from the Virtual Private Network provider.  Subscribers can obtain an IP address from any gateway city the VPN service provides. For instance, you may live in San Francisco, but with a Virtual Private Network, you can appear to live in Amsterdam, New York, or any number of gateway cities.VPN is beneficial because it guarantees a suitable level of security and privacy connected to the systems.   

A simple Analogy
When your computer is connected to a VPN, the computer acts as if it's also on the same network as the VPN. All of your online traffic is transferred over a secure connection to the VPN. The computer will then behave as if it's on that network, allowing you to securely gain access to local network resources. Regardless of your location, you'll be given permission to use the internet as if you were present at the VPN's location. This can be extremely beneficial for individuals using public Wi-Fi.
Therefore, when you browse the internet while on a VPN, your computer will contact the website through an encrypted VPN service connection. The VPN will then forward the request for you and forward the response from the website back through a secure connection.

Why do I need a VPN?

Hide your IP address: Connecting to a virtual private network often conceals your real IP address.
Change your IP address: Using a VPN will almost certainly result in getting a different IP address.
Encrypt data transfers: A Virtual Private Network will protect the data you transfer over public Wi-Fi.
Mask your location: With a VPN, users can choose the country of origin for their internet connection.
Access blocked websites: Easy access to websites blocked by the government with a VPN.

Can you still be tracked when using a VPN?

People can still trace you with other methods. Just because your IP is different and your traffic is encrypted in a tunnel doesn't mean you can't be tracked. There are other ways people can track you. For example: 
  • Hackers can find who you are by doxing(search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent)
  • your IP isn't the only thing that identifies you on the internet
  • your VPN service can see your IP and what you are doing and if hacked or owned by someone who wants to find you they can
  • they can install malware that is hard to detect and can be installed without you knowing, which means your info will be leaked from the malware
  • your VPN can leak your real IP at times. 

    You can also be located by allowing visited websites, third-party apps to access your location. For example, if you are currently making use of a VPN app and you visit a site like , a notification pops up requesting you to allow location access, once you do your location becomes visible. 

There are MANY more things that people can use to track you that will take too long to explain.
If you want to be safe, install anti-virus, anti-malware, and firewall( but right now windows 10 defender seem to be practically strong as Microsoft has really upgraded their security, all you just need to do is to keep up with the updates weekly as such it's strongly recommended.
If you don't want to pay there are free versions but remember you get what you pay for, don't mess with anyone (even if you don't suspect them to be a hacker), and don't act tough on the internet. 
I recommend you still use a VPN because it is another layer of security, but remember you can be tracked if you are their top priority and if they are smart.

There are a lot more you need to know on VPN like its legality, pros, cons, VPN apps and the best among them you can find on the internet and all this would be published in my next articles. 

Source(s): tobecandidblog  whatismyip, vpnmentor, security.stackexchange, Cnet

#Stay Safe guys

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